local scene rant

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local scene rant

Post by lynch1 »

Im probably going to make a lot of enemies with this rant. Ive only been in a few bands locally over the years due to my work schedule, but truly love playing live. Ive read right here on RP people complaining about the local music scene. They blame it on the PLCB, sobriety check points, bad economy, club owners, etc. Ive come realize that maybe the problem is US as musicians. I've been trying to find a band at different times throughout my life, and I will admit that with my work schedule it is very limiting. But seems to me like everyone who wants to start a band wants to play every Friday and Saturday night in the tri-state area and the guys who are currently in bands who should be playing every weekend only play once a month or so (with a few exceptions). Ive tried to get projects going only to have people back out last minute, or not communicate when calling or texting. These are people who were actively looking for a band. The stories I hear about why bands are breaking up is crazy....egos, not enough money, playing too much or too little......Maybe its just me, but how about playing JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!!! Yes, you should get paid, but not not a weeks wages for few hours of your time doing what you love to do. There are no superstars in this area, so be humble about playing at all. People know my limitations going in....it's kept me from getting in bands and I hate it, these people said we are going to play all of the time....they play maybe once a month if they get out at all, which is what I wanted to do in the first place. And the people in bands who can play all of the time, dont. Is there a point to all of this probably not, I just wanted wanted to say.....I love to play and want to be a good band very badly, but my work keeps me from playing out as much as I would like. I would play more if I could, but I am not giving up my job. The people who want to start bands, be realistic and give guys like myself a chance to do what we love. Ive tried to start a project based on my schedule, but many times over and over, have found people who are a lot of talk and not a lot of follow thru. This is not directed at anyone in particular, past or present, just observations through the years. let the verbal beatdown begin...
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Post by Sapo »

It's not a beat down but you've clearly made your choice. So deal with the consequences of it.
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Post by lynch1 »

its just I hear people complaining about the local scene and don't do anything to help it or change it. I have met great people going to shows and made some good friends. Again, people talk a big talk, but don't follow thru then complain it. I want the follow thru, but am limited by my work, just upsets me that people who have or could have what I would love to do and don't do anything with it or complain
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Post by Sapo »

Your post seems to me to be more about you not getting a good gig because your other job comes first...not that the scene sucks. A band that plays a lot IS a job. Any paying gig is a job. If it pays well that's even better. Nothing personal but this quote offends me greatly, " Yes, you should get paid, but not a weeks wages for few hours of your time doing what you love to do." To reach those few hours of pay I have logged countless uncompensated hours of practice, rehearsal, traveling, gear, etc. IMO You want the best of both worlds - a great gig that's convenient enough that you can play once in a blue moon and get your ya yas out then the other 99% of your time your steady day gig. IMO it takes a bigger investment in your own playing and the band in order for it to be a great band... Great gigs don't start that way it takes commitment and work and again IMO you aren't gonna get there playing once a month.
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Post by lynch1 »

you're correct in what you are saying, Sapo. best of both worlds yes, play once a month to have some fun, maybe make a couple bucks and still keep my day job, yes correct.... most of the bands I have been in I have traveled up to an hour just to get to practice once a week, then an hour home, and played once a month.....happier than a pig in poop to do it, because I love playing. If you are playing out, you are a professional and should get paid for your craft....agreed.

honestly, I guess, Im just whining because I want to play and cant find the same like minded people in this area. I'll go to the corner and suck my thumb now....lol.
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Post by Sapo »

Perserverence my friend. Hang around long enough and the stars will align and you will find what you are looking for. I hope it comes together for you.
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Post by lynch1 »

Sapo, thanks for listening.....lol
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Post by Sapo »

Anytime man.
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Post by moxham123 »

Here are a few suggestions to at least play live somewhere.

There are players around who already have a steady band but might be looking for a side project that only plays once or twice a month when their regular band is not booked.

There are bands that occasionally need a fill in on a short notice for a gig. You have to be willing to learn many songs and styles in a short period of time. You need to get the word out that you are available as a hired hand.

There are several venues doing jam nights where you can play with different players and get to play. The bonus is that you might meet some like minded players looking to do a project.
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Post by lynch1 »

thanks for the tips Moxham....good ideas
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Post by bassist_25 »

Sapo wrote: To reach those few hours of pay I have logged countless uncompensated hours of practice, rehearsal, traveling, gear, etc.

The reality is that the issue with a lackluster scene is caused both by external factors and the musicians themselves. But at this point, all you can do is put together or join the best project possible and bang on. A lot of musicians are flakes or have their heads in the clouds. That's just the name of the game. It sucks and it's frustrating, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Having a great band and a band that gigs once in a while are usually two contradictory goals. The best bands usually get where they are performance wise by logging in some serious stage time. The Hurricanes didn't become as precise and musical as they are by just gigging once a month.

But there's nothing wrong with gigging once in a while or gigging heavy. It's all in what you want to do. But people are going to have different goals and different life responsibilities, so it's not going to work out with all people you encounter.
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Post by lynch1 »

Bassist25, you hit the nail right on the head. I was in a good band that only played once a month and loved it. Trying to keep it alive or recreate it has been tough and frustrating. To me, if you say you want to play and agree to the terms or parameters of the band and before it even gets to first practice you back out because you don't agree with or the parameters wont work for you...WTF!! you knew this ahead of time. To me, local music is like being a driver at a local race track, you don't do it to make a boat load of money, you do it because you love it. I love it..... love music, love playing live. what I was saying that people get all fired up about a project and dont even make it out of the garage and people with perfect opportunites to play and play often, waste that opportunity. I would love to play more than once a month, but I am realistic in what I can and cant do and that is something I have to deal with
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Tough gig..

Post by tornandfrayed »

I have ofetn said that in orer to achieve success with a band the first and foremost thing you have to do is stay together.

I feel your frustration and can attest to your desire to do this, heck you have been working at this for a while Lynch1. The best thing I could suggest is to keep getting better yourself by practicing and to keep your eyes put for the right situation, it will come up. Or it won't.

A great band is also a great relationship that works to succeed. Not easy..

Good luck my friend..
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Post by rock »

All though im not a band im a solo performer I work 55 hrs a week practice 2 hrs every evening maintain my home life and if im lucky enough to find a gig or 2 a month Im cool ( once a week would be nicer) but i love playing them . As for pay id play for free its truely about the joy of playing music to me but i dont play free or cheap so as not to under cut and hurt other acts pay scales we need to stick together as musicians so i reluctantley accept the money LOL. If you work hard you can achieve what you want and still have fun makin music along the way. So keep on Truckin Baby ...
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Post by Metalhead »

fuck yeah man i agree its all about playing because its something you love to do if your in it for the right reasons theres no reason to complain about anything
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Post by saturnineBassPlayer »

I'm retired from giging but I think I have some advice. I suggest you not depend on other people to make your thing happen. Take charge and go solo if you need to. Don't look for a band to join. Form one. If playing out is a goal don't depend on people to book gigs for you. Go make contacts and book your self. You want to play for the glory of the muses? Forget about the $50, build yourself a little studio, and get to work. If you do that there's nothing holding your back but yourself.

Good luck,
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Post by RobTheDrummer »

Practice a lot, get good at what you do. Put your name out there. Jump into an established band or do fill in work to get your name out there. If you wanna do all original metal, you're not going to be gigging a lot.
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