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Jim Price

Joined: 07 Dec 2002
Posts: 4819
Location: Altoona, PA

 Post Posted: Thursday Apr 20, 2006 
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With Peter C’s given extended life by delays in the transference of the liquor license to the venue’s new owner, yet another “final” show had been billed this night, marking The Grimm’s final Peter C’s appearance. The strange irony of this night is that there would be at least one more show at Peter C’s after this, thus it wasn’t the absolute final show at Peter C’s…But it would turn out being the final for The Grimm, who went on indefinite hiatus soon after this night took place.

A respectable crowd started to file into Peter C's as showtime neared, including a number of Grimm, Flame Sky fans, Peter C's regulars and Rockpagers - such as DMFJ03, Esa, Byndrsn, YankeeRose, Undercoverjoe, Bassist_25, Quail Whale, F.sciarrillo and Daxman. Anticipation escalated, not just because of the music, but for what treats or tricks Satan Claus might have concealed in his Big Bad Bag O'Stuff.

Just as excited about getting to play on Peter C's stage one final time was The Flame Sky, who opened the night. It was evident as the group launched their set with the original song "And Eventually" that this band was feeling it, and was out to make it count. Lead guitarist Jason Feathers, rhythm guitarist/singer Ed Brinkel, bassist Shawn Shultz and drummer Nate Woods performed a number of their original creations, including "Only In Your Head," "The Price You Pay," ("B Minor,") and a new Sabbathy-flavored instrumental called "The Creature." Their set culminated in their showstopper rendition of Iron Maiden's "Phantom of the Opera." This performance was about as fiery as any I had seen from The Flame Sky so far, at least since their display at the Jeff Wallack Memorial Benefit show at Aldo's earlier in the year. But Steve Oswalt wasn't with the group this night, and you could see on the band members' faces that they wanted their final minutes on Peter C's stage to be memorable ones. (They would get yet another opportunity to play this stage a month later.) It was just the right set to fire up the house and get them ready for whatever The Grimm had to offer this night.

The Flame Sky kicks off the festivities at Peter C’s.

Once again, The Flame Sky.

Yet again, The Flame Sky.

Ed Brinkel of The Flame Sky.

Some members of the Flame Sky fan contingent, in the house and having fun.

After the changeover, The Grimm took up their respective positions on the stage, and opened with one of their new original songs, the title which I didn't catch; this incendiary song dealt with political themes and referenced the Middle East. Two more new original songs followed: "Naildriver" and the Tool-flavored "Fear." Then, what a number of audience members were waiting for, as Satan Claus made his annual appearance, armed with his Big Bad Bag O'Stuff. Revelers made their way to the stage to see what treats awaited them inside the bag; I got my wish, a can of Armour slurpy squishy meat! The show then continued with another new original, before The Grimm tapped into their Resurruption opus for "Forced Reflection." The group then did two more originals, the latter being a lengthier epic which incorporated a Doors “The End”-styled ending. For the remainder of the first set, the original Grimm roster, with Ron Brode on drums and Kirk “Otto” Tonkin on guitar, reconvened to perform three earlier Grimm numbers, “6’s and 7’s,” “Dead Time” and “Black Sheep” to finish out the set.

The Grimm sounded incredibly sharp thus far; their new material demonstrated varying styles of intricacy and detail and took the group into new musical terrain apart from their past catalog. Drummer Dom Peruso, guitarist Scott Botteicher and bassist Kent Tonkin were continually busy; executing their complex song material with clockwork precision. Frontman Bob Lee expanded his repertoire on the new material as well, displaying a myriad of intensity and emotion as he showed a more outspoken style and lyrical content. The Peter C’s crowd was impressed and spellbound as The Grimm executed their set.

Soon the group returned for the nightcap, opening with two songs from Resurruption, “Suicide Knob” and “Fade.” The group then dipped back to their eponymous debut album for “My God, It’s Full of Stars,” before introducing another new number, “Purified Fire.” Then, for the final time on Peter C’s stage, Bob led the house in one last recital of The Grimm’s mischievous singalong, “Suckupon,” even enlisting yours truly to belt out one of the choruses! One more new Grimm original then finished out the night.

Thus closed out another chapter of the Peter C’s legacy. Among other things, Peter C’s was a venue that enabled fledgling original acts to get their original music out in front of audiences for the first time and build fan bases; something rare for this and many other areas. The Grimm was one of the shining examples of bands with quality original song material that amassed a strong local following through their shows on Peter C’s stage; had it not been for Peter C’s, many fans may not have ever witnessed or discovered the area music scene treasure that is The Grimm.

But this night marked the end of that chapter at Peter C’s. The venue would remain open for a few more weeks pending the final transfer of the liquor license, and at least a few more shows would transpire here, but as far as original showcases and the celebration of original music, this was the official finale.

Of course, no final Grimm night at Peter C’s would be complete without the after-show breakfast feast across the street at King’s Family Restaurant. One more time, Grimm members, Grimmettes and Grimm fans assembled at the King’s long table to feast and cavort. I’d report on what all transpired, but as we all know…WHAT HAPPENS AT THE GRIMM BREAKFAST TABLE…STAYS AT THE GRIMM BREAKFAST TABLE!

Satan Claus administers goodies from his Big Bad Bag O’Stuff.

Bob Lee and Kent Tonkin of The Grimm.

The original Grimm line-up, with Kirk “Otto” Tonkin and Ron Brode, assembles onstage at Peter C’s for one final time.

Again, Bob Lee and Kent Tonkin of The Grimm.

Kirk “Otto” Tonkin, enjoying one more Grimm moment.

”The Deathmaster,” Jamie Smith, takes in the Grimm’s final Peter C’s performance.

Esa, taking pictures at Peter C’s one more time…

Ron Brode, one more time behind the Grimm drum kit.

The Grimm rocks Peter C’s one more time.

Scott Botteicher of The Grimm.

Dom Peruso of The Grimm.

Again, “The Deathmaster” enjoys the Grimm proceedings.

Dom Peruso and Kent Tonkin of The Grimm.

Big Bad Bob takes “Suckupon” to the audience.

The Grimm, being worshipped by their fans one more time.

A Grimm gathering of band members and Peter C’s management on stage.

One more time at the door, RePete.

Peter C’s first couple Big John and Jodie K, plus C.E.O. Bandit pose for one more photo on the Peter C’s stage.

A happy Professor celebrates music and Heineken at Peter C’s.

A couple of Grimmettes celebrate during their final evening at Peter C’s.

If Esa was acting like there was a stick up her butt before the holidays, this may have had something to do with it…

One more shot of the Hurricanes guitar poised atop the big screen television.

Another view of Peter C’s on a busy night.


One highlight of the Christmas season I always look forward to is the annual Appliance Outlet Christmas Party. Appliance Outlet main man and semi-retired local musician Duane Sipe always invites me to this holiday party blowout, so I was there to partake again this year.

Attendance was good this year, and there were a few musicians in the house, at least enough so to start a jam session. Members of Midnight Rodeo (always regulars at this party) and the party host combined to start things off, jamming on familiar classic rock and roll numbers; along the way, Brian Zerbee took lead mic for a few songs, and a few other guests and drunks got up and tried their hands in the jams, some more successful than others. It was all in good fun.

The other thing I’ll remember most about this year’s Duanefest was the size of the peel-and-eat shrimp! Where did Duane get these things, from a nuclear test site in the Pacific? These shrimp were huge! A few of them approached pork chop size! Still damned good eating, though…

This event is one of those milestones that draws me a little more into the Christmas spirit each year, and again this year, Duanefest stepped up my Christmas mood and spirit. It was again another good time, and I look forward to next year’s party.

Some haphazard jamming ensues at the Appliance Outlet Christmas party.

A seated Mark Diehl of Midnight Rodeo plays guitar, while Brian “Zerb” Zerbee and an unidentified party reveler sing along.

More Duanefest Christmas party musical debauchery ensues.

The fun continues.

An aspiring drummer makes her debut behind the kit.


After completing "Backyard Rocker" duty this night, I ventured over to the Hitching Post for some weekend-ending Hurricaning.

I was greeted by a jam-packed parking area around the Hitching Post neighborhood; even the doctor's office parking lot across the street was jammed to the max! After doing a few laps around the block, I finally was able to locate a parking space, and made my way inside an equally capacity-packed Hitching Post. What was this blockbuster crowd all about?

After procuring a seat along the rear of the bar and observing for a few moments, I soon realized what the special occasion was.Former Hurricanes drummer-turned-Atlanta-based drum phenom John McKnight was in the house, and positioned behind the kit! Having played in Philadelphia the night before with the Renegades Of Southern Rock, John headed up 'Toona way afterwards for a holiday break, and was renewing ties with his former bandmates and helping make musical magic behind the drum kit.

As I found my seat, John, lead 'Cane Felix Kos, bassist Jeff Clapper, Barney Sledge on harmonica and Brian Cupples on guitar launched into "Teeny Weeny Bit." Red "Redawg" Solinski brought a conga to the stage and set up shop, providing additional percussion on Santana's "Evil Ways," which blossomed into a feisty percussion duel/exchange between Red and John. After another song, the Hurricanes assemblage launched into an Allman Brothers medley, with John singing lead on "One Way Oyt" and "Whipping Post," before the group demonstrated more hot instrumental skills on "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed," which finished the set.

During the intermission, John made his rounds, touching base with his hometown family, friends and fans. The mood was happy and jubilant at the Post, as the Christmas holiday and homecoming spirit was in the air.

Eventually, the music resumed. Felix, Jeff, Brian, Red on drums and guest singer Loren Johnson kicked off the set with Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man." The tempo escalated with Ted Nugent's "Free For All," before Jeff sang lead on the Hurricanes' 50's-styled original "Summertime Love." With former Hitching Post kitchen lady Stephanie "Mom" in the house, the Hurricanes played "Neon Moon," before following with Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock'n'Roll." Father and son then joined the Hurricanes on stage, as John and dad Dewayne McKnight joined Felix, Bob, Jeff and Brian on the Allman Brothers’ “Revival,” which segued into Jimmy Rodgers’ “T for Texas.” The group then did Delbert McClinton’s “Standing On Shaky Ground,” with John singing and Dewayne behind the drum kit. Dewayne then sang lead on Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” to end the night.

What an incredibly fun evening! The Hurricanes and their guests really lit it up, and kept the Hitching Post crowd festive and fired up the entire evening. It was cool to again witness John McKnight in action, and again see him touching base with his friends and former bandmates. The musical displays were incredible, and the smiles and happiness in the room were constant! I’m glad I persevered in finding a parking space, otherwise I would have missed out on this special night!

Felix & the Hurricanes, with Redawg and John McKnight dueling on percussion.

John McKnight.

Demonstrating some fancy stickwork, John McKnight.

Hurricane Felix gives Stephanie a slow dance during “Neon Moon.”

Jeff Clapper and Brian Cupples.

Dewayne McKnight helps Hurricane Bob with percussion.

Hurricane Felix looks on as Dewayne McKnight helps keep the beat.

Father and son; Dewayne McKnight behind the drum kit, and John McKnight out front.

John, Dewayne, Hurricane Jeff and Brian.

Once again, Felix Kos and Dewayne McKnight.

Rick Ramsey joins the party late to contribute some harp.

A meeting of Photo Shop warriors; Hurricane Bob and Bassist4life2004.

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