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Jim Price

Joined: 07 Dec 2002
Posts: 4819
Location: Altoona, PA

 Post Posted: Thursday Jan 13, 2005 
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This week and weekend’s entertainment slate began with a little bit of comedy, as I caught the evening of live comedy at the Lakemont Casino, featuring “El Gleno Grande,” Glenn Singer and comedian/magician David Williamson – sponsored by my workplace.

Before David Williamson even took the stage to execute any magic, the Lakemont Casino performed the first slight of hand act of the evening – making $9.50 of my money disappear – on 6 WINGS AND A SMALL YEUNGLING DRAFT!!! I knew the wings were $4.50, it was listed on the tabletop placard – yes, high, but I figured I’d try six anyway and see what they were about. But then the waitress asked if I wanted anything to drink, and I incorrectly assumed that a draft beer wouldn’t be too pricey. But five freakin’ dollars!? Where am I, Star Lake Amphitheater? And provided with the wings: celery and bleu cheese. The celery was thinly sliced at 30-degree angles, rather than cut into thicker sections like you get elsewhere. Has celery become such a rare commodity that we have to conserve it? Talk about a rip-off! Memo to self: Next time I catch an event at the Casino, tailgate in the parking lot first!

After this left me less than amused, I was hoping the comedy itself at least was good. Q94’s Adam Erickson soon introduced Glenn Singer, who in turn introduced opener David Williamson. Williamson mixed comedy with magic, implementing card tricks and other slight-of-hand chicanery into his routine, recruiting several members of the audience onstage to help him out. One woman’s purse strap was broken during one routine, but other than that, no animals were harmed during the course of the performance. David Williamson brought some good laughs during his routine, overall he was pretty good.

Glenn Singer was a one-trick pony, so to speak. His routine centers around a spoof of riding a show horse. After building up to it, Glenn stepped to the side of the stage to don his horse-riding gear (a full “horse” with rider legs hanging by its sides), and returned to stage center to perform a show jumping routine. This had its funny moments, such as the missed jump and fall, with Glenn’s “leg” bent back in an insanely contorted angle (resulting in a belated scream of pain once Glenn “discovered” the problem); and the “horse” doing what horses traditionally do, lifting its tail and taking a dump on stage.

Glenn’s routine was amusing as well, but I thought it might have been more effective had he put on his horse get-up out of view of the audience; as one audience member observed, he didn’t see Glenn “riding a horse,” but Glenn wearing a horse get-up he put on at the side of the stage. I also thought that Glenn’s routine was good the first time around, but it would get old quickly if he performs it in front of the same audience again. This would best work for first-time situations or one-time shows; but for longevity, Glenn might need to devise a few more routines or implement new ideas into his horse schtick.

But ultimately, this was an amusing evening, enough so to take the sting out of my wounded wallet from earlier on.

Opener David Williamson and an audience guest work on a card trick.

Card trick completed...

David Williamson and a furry thing…a dangerous combination.

”El Gleno Grande,” Glenn Singer, introduces an audience member to horse-riding attire.

”El Gleno Grande,” on board his horse.

Glenn and his steed prepare to jump…

After a fall, “El Gleno Grande’s” leg is in an uncomfortable position…

”El Gleno Grande” regains his composure…

Glenn and his horse approach the big hurdle.


Trick-or-treaters in the Altoona area received an extra musical treat as they were collecting their caches of Halloween edibles this night. For the first time, Felix & the Hurricanes were also going trick-or-treating, and they were providing the treat.

The idea came together the previous Thursday at Peter C’s. With Peter C’s doorman ‘Re-Pete’ supplying the flatbed truck from his workplace, Felix & the Hurricanes loaded instruments, amps, lights, gear and a power generator on board the truck, donned costumes, brought some children and special guests along, and cruised through the streets of Altoona to serenade trick-or-treaters.

I had to spend part of Trick-or-Treat night searching for the components to my own Halloween outfit (photos later in this recap); but eventually tried to catch up with the Hurricanes’ trick-or-treat entourage. I barely missed their stop at Robert’s Beverages (where my radio boss, Adam, and Q94 was doing a live remote). I was told that the ‘Canes were heading towards the Logan Valley Mall, so I proceeded there, pulling in behind the ‘Canes just as they were entering the Mall parking lot. I followed as the ‘Canes’ trick-or-treat truck did a full lap around the perimeter of the Mall. On board, the Hurricanes were whooping it up, doing Halloween hits like Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett’s “Monster Mash” and Sam the Sham’s “Wooly Bully.” It was cool to observe the smiles and expressions on the faces of shoppers and passers-by as they were serenaded by this crazy costumed rock’n’roll band in the flatbed truck!

From the Mall, the Hurricanes proceeded out onto 58th Street to Eldorado, turned north onto 6th Avenue/Route 764, and completed the homestretch of their Trick-or-Treat tour back to Peter C’s; continuing to serenade passers-by and other motorists with classics and ‘Canes originals.

The Hurricanes proclaimed this first time venture a big success, and indicated that a sequel for next Halloween season was likely. Kudos to the Hurricanes for yet again devising a clever and new fun way to get their music out to the masses, and have a great time doing it!

From a flatbed truck, some Halloween Hurricaning…

”Re-Pete” the wheel man…


Halloween weekend had arrived, and with it a number of Halloween shows and parties. While most of them were slated for Saturday night, Q94’s second annual Halloween Bash happened this Friday night, at the same location as last year, Altoona’s Club Car Café at the Days Inn.

Unlike last year, I didn’t have to do the remote broadcast before the party (my boss, Adam, got the honors). This enabled me to take time assembling the components of my Halloween alter ego 2004.

Perhaps it’s just luck, but several things are always consistent about my Halloween creations. First, the ideas I come up with always hit me within 48 hours before my first Halloween party; and second, it always costs me less than $20 to put my Halloween outfit together. Well, almost always. This year’s ran me slightly more than $20; but after purchasing the $9 hockey stick and $12 Pittsburgh Penguins pullover cap, some fake rotting teeth and cuts, and borrowing a Penguins jersey from my boss, my Halloween costume idea – locked-out, disgruntled Pittsburgh Penguins goon “Ivan Pistov” (as in “Ivan PISSED-ov about being locked out and not earning paycheck – Nyet!”) – came to fruition.

I arrived at the party and took in the sight of the other costumed freaks in the house. I saw my boss, Adam, decked out as a judge, complete with robe and gavel. I saw my former boss, “Moto,” decked out as Adam, complete with wire rim glasses, goatee and Tampa Bay Buccaneers jersey (whoaaa, that is SCARY!). Over the course of the evening, I witnessed a surprising number of pirates, also witches, nurses, schoolgirls, clawed monsters, French maids, hippies, prostitutes (fake, not real, although real ones could have been there) and some scary-looking ordinary people as well. And there was a costumed rock band onstage, also decked out in pirate motif – Third Gear.

There were Rolling Rock specials and a free wing buffet offered up at 9 PM – and yes, I did leave a few for other people!

Promptly at 10 PM, Third Gear – singer/drummer Jamie Shumack, guitarist/singer Kip Woodring and bassist/singer D.J. Gates – started into their first set of classic rock favorites; opening with The Cars’ “Good Times Roll,” and proceeding with tunes from Stevie Ray Vaughan, Bruce Springsteen, the Stones, Billy Joel, Bob Seger, Brownsville Station and more. The group instigated some dance floor action early, and attracted infrequent dancing through the course of the night. Instrumentally this trio was strong, and all three did respectably well on the vocal end, with Jamie handling most of the lead voice chores.

The second set began with a guest, as Here We Go Again frontman Scott Markel sang acoustic renditions of Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s In the Cradle” and Radiohead’s “Creep.” Third Gear then took over, and resumed the rock with tunes from Grand Funk Railroad, REO Speedwagon, John Mellencamp, Poison, Bob Seger, Billy Joel, Stray Cats and more, and broke out one of their original tunes to end the set.

Although attendance was smaller this year than at last year’s Halloween Bash, it was still a decent party thus far, and most of the revelers were sticking around and enjoying the night.

Scott Markel again took the stage to help usher in the last set, and along with a female singer did a version of 4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up.” Third Gear then backed Scott on Tom Petty’s “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” before Scott exited the stage and the group continued with tunes from David Bowie, Eddie Money, Collective Soul, Bad Company, Queen and the Eagles. Another guest then joined the group onstage, Jamie’s former Psycho bandmate, Ron Russell, who belted out lead voice on Marshall Tucker Band’s “Can’t You See.” Third Gear kept the party going with more tunes from Tom Petty, Bryan Adams, and for the homestretch, the Doors’ “Roadhouse Blues” and George Thorogood’s “Bad to the Bone,” both which increased the activity on the dance floor.

Although the audience had diminished by the end of the set, a few of the remaining revelers called for an encore, and Third Gear responded by breaking out the old Hoyt Axton/Three Dog Night chestnut, “Never Been to Spain,” with Kip delivering a harmonica solo.

In all, this was a good night. The Club Car didn’t get as crowded or as rowdy as last year’s Halloween party, but Third Gear’s rock’n’roll was good, and it was a more relaxed and laid-back evening. A good time.

Will Q94’s real Adam Erickson please stand up?

I bet this guy has a real hard time holding a beer…

He might have a hard time grasping a beer, but at least he can grasp women who can hold his beer…

Times are rough for National Hockey League players these days…

Jamie Shumack of Third Gear.

D.J. Gates of Third Gear.

Third Gear, swashbuckling out the classic rock favorites…

Some dance floor revelry during Third Gear’s show…Hel-loooooo NURSE!

Third Gear, with guest frontman Ron Russell.

Kip Woodring of Third Gear.


There were a number of Halloween parties happening this night. I chose to attend the one presented by The Underground TV, featuring the heavy-hitting lineup of 2nd Offense, Sever and Suicide Switch.

2nd Offense was in the latter stages of their set as I arrived. Five members strong, this group was churning out volatile, monstrously heavy metal; with a sound slightly reminiscent of old Dragon Fire! Frontman Myke Long provided the intense vocal snarl; backed by the bone-jarring wall of sound laid down by guitarists Travis Bohn and Brian Faychak, bassist Jes Mattern and drummer Wally Fiedor. I didn’t catch titles on the two numbers the group closed their set with; but both were intense and aggressive. What I heard from this group sounded respectable; hopefully I’ll catch a full set soon and witness more of what they have to offer.

Aldo’s had its fair share of costumed freaks, which I observed once 2nd Offense’s set ended and I procured a booth in Aldo’s restaurant area (the second room, which is only open on nights when the crowd is expected to be large). Besides the customary assortment of witches, ghouls, and other conventional Halloween freaks, Aldo’s also had a king and queen, a Penndot orange barrel, a clown, a geisha girl and more – including my unemployed NHL goon.

The band I was most interested in seeing this night was next; Dubois-based metal foursome Sever. I had seen this group’s appearance on The Underground TV, and had just begun seriously listening to their self-titled, self-produced debut CD. The CD sounded strong, and I wanted to see if the group had a live show to match.

Sever launched into their set of Pantera-flavored power metal, and almost instantly had fans moshing in front of the stage – which almost instantly had main man Aldo on the floor to terminate that mosh action. Sever – lead howler Dave Harris, guitarist Rich Emery, bassist Jason Geer and drummer Paul Butler – fired off crunchers from the album, including the ‘hit’ “Fall Away,” “Presence,” “Empty Place,” “Madness,” “Gag Reflexx” and more. The group also offered a brash take on Flock Of Seagulls’ new wave classic, “I Ran.” Sever was expectedly brutal, driven by Paul’s manic beats – this guy could definitely beat the skins! Dave’s vocals were furious and intense in the Phil Anselmo vein, and he was out front and in the audience’s faces with his presentation. Sever was instrumentally strong and powerful, and executed their material tightly. I think this group could be more effective if they reduce the down time between songs and tighten up their pace; but overall I came away pretty impressed with this first viewing of Sever, and I hope this show set the stage for possible future Aldo’s visits.

During the second intermission, Chris and Kathy from The Underground TV picked the winner in the Halloween costume contest. The Penndot orange barrel won top honors on the basis of civil disobedience, and the winner received a free tattoo from Keystone Tattoo.

The final band of the evening was local metalcore favorites Suicide Switch, who tore into their set of original assaults. The group mixed old and new hardcore-meets-metal, rendering carnage with ferocious slammers such as “Say Goodbye,” “Truth,” “Soulless,” “Last Sight” (off the first CD, back when they were called Stepdown), and their popular show closer, “In The Wake.” The group also broke out at least one newer song, “Breakable.” Frontman Cheeze delivered his trademark full-vent performance, teetering on blowing out forehead veins and aneurysms several times during the set. Guitarists Shaun Barr and Tom Noel, bassist Dan Mort and drummer Jay Mosey unleashed all-out apocalyptic fury on their instruments; playing go-for-broke and as heavy as heavy can get. With stagefront moshing curtailed, fans were content to headbang and cheer along as Suicide Switch brought their fury.

In all, it was a fun night that showcased Halloween craziness and three of this region’s heaviest original bands. Once again, hats off to Chris, Kathy and The Underground staff for putting this show together, and providing the catalyst for new fans to discover these three bands. Hopefully more such shows are on the way!

The Underground TV hosts Kathy and Chris.

Kathy and Chris emcee the Halloween costume contest.

The King and Queen look on as Dave Harris of Sever growls out the lead voice.

Rich Emery of Sever.

Dave Harris of Sever.

Once again, Dave Harris of Sever.

Again, Rich Emery of Sever.

Paul Butler of Sever.

Sever brings the metal to Aldo’s.

Suicide Switch unleashes the beast at Aldo’s.

Unleashing the fury, Cheeze and Suicide Switch.

Shaun Barr and Dan Mort of Suicide Switch.

Leading the headbanging crowd, Cheeze of Suicide Switch.

Jay Mosey of Suicide Switch.


One more Halloween party closed out this year’s Halloween weekend; Pellegrine’s annual Halloween bash, with newcomers Mr. Pink providing the entertainment.

Once again, I was decked in my locked-out hockey player attire, and noticed an interesting development. I was using fake blood on my face to simulate bleeding cuts. During the course of the first two nights of Halloween parties, that fake blood ran, and dripped onto the hockey jersey. So by the time it got to Sunday night, it looked as though my hockey character had been through several good donnybrooks on the ice, and had the blood stains to prove it! All the better!

Pellegrine’s is always guaranteed to have a quality cast of costumed freaks for their Halloween party, and this year was no exception. Harry Jr. was a Hooters girl; while back bar/band room bartendress Jen was a wild Wild West cowhand. The Right Honorable Guv’nor Jesse reprised his Jedi knight costume, complete with two glowing light sabers for anybody who wished to duel with him. Also in the house were a pimp (a costumed pimp, not the usual pimps that tend to show up there on Sunday nights in general), Batman, a pirate couple, a swamp monster (who eventually won Pelly’s costume contest), fairy tale characters, a costumed beer bottle and other freaks.

And there was a band, Mr. Pink, making their first Pelly’s appearance. As the group’s second set got under way, frontlady Holly quickly emerged as their central focal point. Clad in a vampire cape, Holly was fiery, feisty, and constantly in motion, demonstrating a slight punk demeanor as she belted out her words and worked the stagefront area. Her sidemen; guitarist Alex, bassist Mike P. and drummer Mike W.; provided a sharp-edged backdrop as the group fired through various current and classic rock favorites. The second set featured tunes from Lit, Hole, Jet, Madonna, Aerosmith, Blur, Sublime, Poison, the Black Crowes and more. The group broke out one Halloween favorite, a take on Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett’s “Monster Mash;” and ended their set with a medley fusing together tunes from Bloodhound Gang, Michael Jackson, No Doubt and more.

After Pelly’s Halloween costume contest (the swamp monster won; I finished a disappointing 4th and out of the prizes), Mr. Pink resumed the action with – appropriately enough – Pink’s “Get This Party Started;” and the group continued with tunes from Harvey Danger, Violent Femmes, James, Blink 182, Puddle Of Mudd, Billy Idol, the Buggles and more. The group introduced an original song, “Automatic;” and welcomed a guest, Chelsea, onstage to help sing lead on the night-closing rendition of Alanis Morisette’s “You Oughta Know.”

Mr. Pink’s presentation was upbeat and fiery, and kept Pelly’s dance floor fairly active through the course of the night. The group’s pacing was tight and busy, as they kept firing song after song. Holly’s occasional screams were a little grating for me, but overall she and the band were entertaining, and their good points far outweighed their bad for this first visit to Pellegrine’s.

Altogether, this was a fun night, and a good finale to Halloween 2004.

Mr. Pink makes their Pellegrine’s Halloween debut.

Mike P. of Mr. Pink.

Holly of Mr. Pink with Guv’nor Jesse Skywalker.

Mike W. of Mr. Pink.

Once again, Holly of Mr. Pink.

Once again, Mike W. of Mr. Pink.

Alex of Mr. Pink.

Towards night’s end, guest Chelsea assists frontlady Holly and Mr. Pink on vocals.

The swamp thing graces Pellegrine’s dance floor.

In one of several epic battles this night, Guv’nor Jesse Skywalker takes on the Swamp Thing.

Guv’nor Jesse Skywalker takes on Jedi master Obi-Won Ritchey (father of Vs. the Earth guitarist Mike Ritchey).

And the Guv’nor takes on a disgruntled, unemployed hockey goon…

Pellegrine’s Jen, a hired hand who could stop a buckin’ bronc dead in its tracks! Yeeehaw!

A locked-out hockey goon with teeth only a dentist could love…

We can only hope Hooters never has to dig this deep into their talent bank…Harry Jr. the Hooters Girl…

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