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Post by KeithReynolds »

No date set yet.

Showcase will take place at a venue here in altoona.

Need 5 rock type bands. Cover or Original.

It would be good if you have some audio or video for me to look at.

Show will be filmed to promote local music.

PM me, post here, or call me @ 814-327-4166

EDIT: I can finally let it out that it will be taking place in Jan at Pelly's!!!!
Last edited by KeithReynolds on Tuesday Nov 26, 2013, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by onegunguitar »

If our schedule allows....I'm sure NailDriver would be interested. :twisted:
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Post by thebattle »

Once you have a date set let us know I'm sure Paradigm would be interested!
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Post by witchhunt »

Paradigm rocks. Take my word.
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Post by ryaninpa »

Hi, This is Ryan Clark from theJAM. I might be interested. Can you give me more details? We are classic rock, mostly danceable rock. We have all be playing 30 years + and have been together for 3 years. You can text at 330-3016 if you like.
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Post by thebattle »

Thanks bill! We're recording our full length right now ill have to bring yah a copy when its done
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Post by Daxman »

Hey Keith, if my schedule allows it, I'd love to help out with this in any way I could. I have gear to lend if needed for a back-line or if you need anything else done or provided. I like this idea a lot and hope it takes off, good luck dude.
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Post by 5stringlowb »

How much is the cover to get in? How much will the bands make?
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Post by thebattle »

here is some ear candy kieth if you didn't check out our facebook here is a video
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Post by KeithReynolds »

Awesome response from posts and pm's! hopefully this will be HUGE. Im working on getting back to everyone.
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Post by 5stringlowb »

So am I to assume since you didn't address my question that there will be no pay for bands "showcasing" at this show?

Just curious - who are you "showcasing" for? Will there be A & R reps from record companies in attendance?
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Post by KeithReynolds »

Sorry, alot of details to figure out. sorry 5string, im here at your call.;)

Ill take time to address this now. Im paying all of this out of pocket to help the scene. how many millions do you want for your cover band to play? LOL
I hope the cover charge will help recover some money, or hopefully pay for it all.
I dont play in a band. I dont need exposure. I dont need to sell cds. I dont need people to know who I am. BANDS DO. Thats the whole point right?

But at this show, hopefully bands can play in front of a packed house and sell the hell out of their stuff. no one will come to see you if they dont know who you are and what you do. This hopefully will change it. atleast some. Bands future playing schedules will be available for those who want it. Hopefully that helps their other shows at other places. Now a bunch more people know where they are playing.

Im still working out the details. That includes what to do for bands. This is new, remember? Im hoping to have all the info here in a few days. Thanks for your interest.
To underestimate the value of this is crazy. If youre in music to make millions, this show is not for you. This area is not for you.

There are no A&R reps at the show,5string. would you know what to do if there was one there? Again, the show is to help revive the local scene. not get bands signed. want me to work on that too?? I can.

5string-Since you wont be playing, ill save you a seat in our VIP section.
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Post by thebattle »

KeithReynolds wrote:Sorry, alot of details to figure out. sorry 5string, im here at your call.;)

Ill take time to address this now. Im paying all of this out of pocket to help the scene. how many millions do you want for your cover band to play? LOL
I hope the cover charge will help recover some money, or hopefully pay for it all.
I dont play in a band. I dont need exposure. I dont need to sell cds. I dont need people to know who I am. BANDS DO. Thats the whole point right?

But at this show, hopefully bands can play in front of a packed house and sell the hell out of their stuff. no one will come to see you if they dont know who you are and what you do. This hopefully will change it. atleast some. Bands future playing schedules will be available for those who want it. Hopefully that helps their other shows at other places. Now a bunch more people know where they are playing.

Im still working out the details. That includes what to do for bands. This is new, remember? Im hoping to have all the info here in a few days. Thanks for your interest.
To underestimate the value of this is crazy. If youre in music to make millions, this show is not for you. This area is not for you.

There are no A&R reps at the show,5string. would you know what to do if there was one there? Again, the show is to help revive the local scene. not get bands signed. want me to work on that too?? I can.

5string-Since you wont be playing, ill save you a seat in our VIP section.
Lol we never get paid for anything we have maybe got payed twice ever and even then its about the exposure and fans that's it! Without fans what's the point
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Post by KeithReynolds »

The whole point of the whole thing is to revive the scene so that bands make money, bars make money and theres fans at every show...every week. Thats the main goal.

Its a journey. This is the first step. Im not saying this first show is gonna magically fix every single problem. Its a hell of alot better than doing nothing and just talking about it.

The success of this adventure does not fall just on me. Its the bands who are the reason we are doing this....its the fans that we want at every show that any band has booked anywhere. Other cities has thriving music scenes and im sick of this one not having one. I know you are all too.
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Post by 5stringlowb »

Read this article - it fully explains why no one should play for free.
if you DON'T get paid - there is probably a reason. ... musicians/
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Post by MistValkyrie »

Pete, you're SERIOUSLY missing the point here. Keith's not trying to be exploitative to anyone, he's just trying to respark some interest in the dying music scene around here by giving good bands that want to (and don't act like dicks about it) a platform for some free's sort of like a business expo only for local bands. Actually, at those things, people who want to do presentations generally have to pay to do you guys are getting off Just kidding. Anyway, I mean, if you want to make money, set up a merch table, sell people cd's so they'll remember you and come out to more of YOUR shows and get YOUR name out there more.
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Post by KeithReynolds »

great points, mist!

Its out of the bag that the event will be taking place in January @ Pelly's.

2014. A new year, a new beginning. Going to be getting back to bands here in a bit. working out other details. Will have info for you all ASAP. Its gonna be huge.
If this show is a success, We will do another in Feb and make it twice as good. I have some great people on board to help make this great. People who really want the local scene to thrive. We are working on the details now. Just know that you WILL NOT be disappointed. We believe in this thing.

The more people know about the bands and shows going on in the area the better. All of the other band's shows will be promoted too. Bring copies of your gig schedule. We are working on a site or 2 to promote all of this on the web too. I will even post other bands schedules if they are sent to the site.
Youre either on board or not. You either believe in your music scene, or you dont. The time of just sitting around talking about it is over.
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Post by onewaysociety2010 »

This sounds like a great idea! We are from Johnstown and over the last year we have noticed a serious decline in the local music scene. Some bars that had bands every Fri & Sat cut back to just Sat and going to a DJ on Friday's and some other bars just stopped booking bands all together.
We also understand the whole "getting exposure" thing.............We often hear "You guys are good but, I've never heard of you before". There are so many bands out there that just need a chance and this would provide that.
We would be interested in lining something up with you when you get everything nailed down. Our band is "One Way Society" we play all rock covers from 80's to present. Check out our page for an artist list.

Thank you much!
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Post by SATAN »

Keep Ganister in mind dude.
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Post by metalchurch »

Keith and Co.,
I think that it's a very nice thing that your're doing for the music community. I wish you the very best and I truly hope that this really helps out the music scene in this area.
Its no doubt going to be a good thing all around for everyone.

A big +1 to you and all those involved in this project, I hope that it really takes off and gets some excitement brewing in the area, which Im sure it will do just that!!

Great job my man, it's nice to see that you're still at it bro!
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Post by KeithReynolds »

I have some good people on board this team to make this kick ass. Just waiting on one detail and ill have all the info ready.

SHOW DATE JANUARY 24TH AT PELLYS!!!! You wont want to miss this!!!

We have some big ideas to help organize the local scene that goes beyond this show.
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Post by robinhood »

I'd have to make sure with the rest of the gang, but Root and the Fifths may be interested if you're still looking.
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Post by UNEARTHA7XMatt »

Keith Im willing to help out in any way possible. The Altoona scene def needs a kick in the ass. There are alot of great original acts in this area and I think its great that you are putting this on to help the local acts get exposure. Feel free to hit me up on here or Facebook and let me know what i can do to help! Unfortunately there are alot of money hungry people out there that are more interested in making a quick buck than putting on a good show. I have no quarrels with Cover bands. I personally like to see GOOD ones but Id personally rather see an original band that puts their heart and soul into writing music for the sheer love of the music! I could care less if I make a dime, I just want to get our bands name out and as much exposure as possible. If you wanna make money, start fucking DJing!
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Post by KeithReynolds »

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Post by ToonaRockGuy »

Sweet! I may have to be there for this show.
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